I Was In An Accident. Now What?

John D. Wooton Sr.

I Was in an Accident. Do I Need a Lawyer?

The team at WDHE brings more than 100 years of combined experience in injury law.

So, you were recently in an auto accident. You’re probably wondering if you really need to get a lawyer. Maybe you’re thinking the whole fiasco has already been expensive and hiring a lawyer is just one more thing you’ll have to pay for. Here are a few questions to help you decide whether to call your lawyer or not.

Were You Injured?

If your answer to this question is no, then you’ll probably be fine without a lawyer. But, if you incurred injuries in the accident, and you’re communicating with an insurance company to get your expenses covered, your life will be much less stressful with a lawyer on your side.

The unfortunate truth is insurance companies are very good at navigating the system to pay out as little as possible. Victims may be intimidated by legal lingo or bombarded with aggressive phone calls. By hiring a lawyer, the firm will field all phone calls and communicate directly with the insurance company, ensuring you get exactly what you’re owed.

Are Your Injuries Serious or Did Someone Die?

When an accident causes serious injury or wrongful death, it’s imperative that you get legal help. As the seriousness of the injuries increase, so will the legal complexities. A law firm will work with the hospitals, doctors, and any other medical treatment providers as well as all insurance providers. Your legal representation will stand between you and all other entities. This means you won’t be bombarded or harassed and can focus on getting better.

Is There a Criminal Matter Involved With the Accident?

If the accident involved drugs, alcohol, other criminal behavior, or even the suspicion that criminal activity occurred, you should call a lawyer immediately. Further, you should not speak to anyone on your own behalf. Seemingly harmless statements may be used by insurance companies to shirk responsibility.

If You Don’t Hire a Lawyer…

Be prepared to face a battle (which, depending on your personal style, might sound like fun). High-pressure tactics by insurance companies and bill collectors may keep you in limbo longer than you anticipate. It is also very likely you will receive less money for your injuries facing these organizations on your own. By simply having legal expertise in your corner, many insurance companies will weigh the costs of having to battle with an experienced team and settle the case.

About Wooton, Davis, Hussell & Ellis, PLLC

The team at WDHE brings more than 100 years of combined experience in injury law. Our lawyers have a proven track record of finding money that would otherwise be left on the table. When you work with WDHE, you have your lawyer’s cell phone number and sincere promise that we will work until your case is resolved.

As a matter of fact, at WDHE we work on the contingency that we only get paid when we recover the payments owed to you. We’re that confident we can help. For a free consultation on your case, contact us today.

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